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Please let us know if you have interest in joining any of the subcommittees.  Please indicate you expertise specifically but briefly, we will contact you.  Please understand we are limited in available, do be discouraged if you don't make it in.  We will be regularly building programs, we'll keep you on file and reach out as things open up.

  • Statewide coordinator (Jay Brennan) Reporting to him will be the Regional Rep Group and Executive committee.

  • Regional rep group – Representatives that will get feedback from their regions and report back to State-Wide Coordinator.

    • West

    • Central

    • Metro Boston

    • North

    • Cape islands

    • Colleges

    • Corrections

    • ​

  • Executive committee – An impartial governing body that will provide advice and oversight as programs develop.


Specialized Committees will also be formed, with each committee having one chairperson and an assistant chairperson.


The chairperson of each committee will be appointed by the MPTC SWC and will report back monthly to the Executive Committee


Each chair within the MPTC committee will have a subcommittee that will be comprised of elected personnel.


These positions will be subject to an application process and approved by the MPTC SWC. This is a semi-permanent position.


Each subcommittee can (or may) have a team of personnel that are assembled based on experience and expertise. This is not a permanent position.




Recruit committee:

Biannually recruit academy meeting.

Recruit leads provide input to the training committee.


Standards and Qualification Committee:

12 IT Program


Less Lethal Committee 

Develop Less Lethal Module
Oversee new content

Create IT Program


Field Operations Committee:

Quality control – Will ensure that each program is teaching the same material


Create a Special service team-

  • They will be at each academy class

    • Oversee assistance, quality control, question and answer, and liability

    • Recruits are currently learning different things at different academies

    • ​

DART - (Department assistance regional training) for departments that don’t have the ability to run a qual the MPTC will run it.


Specialized Training

they will pull in “specialized personnel” to write curriculum for new programs (i.e. red dot, precision rifle, low light, CQB, off duty/undercover)


Logistics Committee

  • Targets

  •  Equipment

  •  Ranges – 2 private ranges and funding available

  •  Convention – mass firearms convention for networking Oct 2020

    Retired/LEOSA Committee:

Retired officers program

LEOSA Standards

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